Secret Agent Audio Services is on vacation! I’m taking off the entire month of August. I’m helping Shannon move to L.A., and then spending as much time there with her as possible. I’ll also be producing some tracks for my dear friend Laura’s band. And of course I’ll be going to Burning Man, wih my awesome theme camp.
In other news, Shannon and I had this chat this morning, which made me laugh and laugh:
me: haha!
shannon: what? (oneoneone????)
me: hahaha!
that’s l33tspeak.
(“elite speak”)
shannon: oh, you have to translate. i’m so not elite
me: hacker shorthand
“lol” = laughing out loud
shannon: i know! but i don’t understand it…
me: you know that, probably
shannon: yes, i know “lol”
me: ok.
then there are exclamation points.
shannon: yes…
me: but sometimes, your finger lets go of the shift key too early, and it makes a 1
shannon: yeah, i did that earlier today in fact
me: you actually did this at the beginning of our chat, above.
shannon: haha!
me: a “1” can also be written as “one”
shannon: yes……..
me: so then you get the perfectly logical progression LOL!!!!11111oneoneone
shannon: um, i hate to say it, but….. how is ‘oneoneone’ SHORT for any of the above?
seems longer to me…….
me: well, that’s not the point.
it’s code
the point is to obfuscate, not to make easier [smile]
shannon: oh. code. -elite- code.
me: now do u f33l l!k3 m0re of a l33t h@x0r?
shannon: oh, heck yes. i am definitely more of an elite hacker.
me: sweet.