80s kids 80s kids 80s kids 80s kids 80s kids 80s kids 80s kids 80s kids 80s kids
tour was amazing!
we just lowkey played our “good to me” show in three of the best venues on the west coast, and it went better than we could’ve hoped. what a joyous experience. thank you so much to everyone who came to one of the shows! <3

forever young
here’s our new 80s kids song. we hope you love it.
“good to me” vinyl is out!
our little synthpop record that could is out on vinyl today. limited first run of marbled peach vinyl! available here.

we’re doing a little west coast tour in april!
please come hang out with us! it’s always such a good time. we’re debuting a new version of the show, with some new songs and some new videos — including a new 80s kids song!
tickets: https://linktr.ee/hilljam