ampersands record: done??

I just sent off a revised master for The Ampersands record, and I’m feeling like this might be the one! I cannot WAIT for you guys to hear this. It’s a really excellent record all the way through.

This record was a total labor of love, both on the part of the main Ampersand, Aaron McQuade, and then on my end. We took our time with this, went back and forth and tweaked it a lot, and really focused in on both the individual songs and then the sequencing and pacing. Christ, we easily spent 8 hours just working on the transitions. I’m telling you, it’s *detailed*.

I feel like I brought a lot to this record and I’m going to be very proud to have it come out (it’s looking like an early spring release). Stay tuned; I’ll update this space as I learn more, and I’ll hopefully be posting a couple “sneak preview” songs very soon!

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